حصلت حافلة تاتا موتورز على موافقة ARAI مع تكييف TKT

تفاصيل اختبار الحافلة الكهربائية:

يومي 17 و 18 نوفمبر, 2021, TKT (الهند) حضر الفريق الهندسي معرض TATA Motors 9×9 اختبار حافلة EV في متجر TATA Motors ERC للمناخ في بيون, الهند. The test included a range test without air conditioning and a functional test with air conditioning. The TKT (الهند) team witnessed all the tests and provided technical support for the TKT electric air conditioning system, which was installed on the TML 9×9 EV Bus 4 years ago. The 9×9 EV bus successfully passed all the tests and is expected to receive certification from ARAI soon.

تي كي تي للتدفئة والتهوية وتكييف الهواء:

TKT’s electric bus air conditioning passed the EMC test in October 2019.

In-depth cooperation with TATA Motors:

في 2016, TKT became the first manufacturer to offer electric air conditioning in India. They developed an electric A/C and battery cooling system for TATA Motors when they first entered the Indian market. Since then, over 500 units of TKT EV buses with A/C have been running in various cities across India, including Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Indore, and Ahmedabad. TKT (الهند) service team also operates in these cities to provide after-sales service and technical support to the TATA Motors team and representatives. Their reliable performance and fast, professional service have earned them high praise.

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